We, Jesus' followers, are the agents assigned to carry out God's will on earth. Too easily we expect God to do something for us when instead God wants to do it through us.
Philip YanceyGod formed an alliance based on the world as it is, full of flaws, whereas prayer calls God to account for the world as it should be.
Philip Yancey...to see that God does answer, in great things as well as small, the prayers of those who put their trust in Him will strengthen the faith of multitudes.
Philip YanceySome of us seem so anxious about avoiding hell that we forget to celebrate our journey toward heaven.
Philip YanceyWe are all trophies of God's grace, some more dramatically than others; Jesus came for the sick and not the well, for the sinner and not the righteous. He came to redeem and transform, to make all things new. May you go forth more committed than ever to nourish the souls who you touch, those tender lives who have sustained the enormous assaults of the universe. (pp.88)
Philip Yancey