Take care with your words, Jacquetta, especially in cursing. Only say the things you mean, make sure you lay your curse on the right man. For be very sure that when you put such words out in the world they can overshoot-like an arrow, a curse can go beyond your target and harm another. A wise woman curses very sparingly.
Philippa GregoryI can't sleep, I can't eat, I can't do anything but think about him. At night I dream of him, all day I wait to see him, and when I do see him my heart turns over and I think I will faint with desire.
Philippa GregoryWe might, either of us, be Queen of England and yet we'll always be nothing to our family.
Philippa GregoryYes, but either way, shamed or not, I shall be Queen of England, and this is the last time you will sit in my presence.
Philippa GregoryFor he loved her and he understood that a woman cannot always live as a man. He understood that she cannot always think as he thought, walk as he walked, breathe the air that he took in. She would always be a different being from him, listening to a different music, hearing a different sound, familiar with a different element.
Philippa Gregory