In Spain," indeed! He would have got no closer than the Indies if I had not showed him how to do it. Stupid puppy.
Philippa GregoryHe promised her that he would give her everything, everything she wanted, as men in love always do. And she trusted him despite herself, as women in love always do.
Philippa GregoryThe sons of York will destroy each other, one brother destroying another, uncles devouring nephews, fathers beheading sons. They are a house which has to have blood, and they will shed their own if they have no other enemy.
Philippa GregoryI would play ball with Catherine, and hide and seek: Not a very challenging game in an open meadow, but she was still at the age where she believed that if she shut her eyes and buried her head under a shawl then she could not be seen.
Philippa GregoryGood Evening , Sir John. I hope that you will accept a little gift from me.' I should be honored, Your Majesty.' I want to give you a little carved stool from my privy chambers. A pretty little piece from France. I hope you will like it.' I should be grateful.' It is for your daughter. For Jane. To sit on. She seems not to have a seat of her own but she must borrow mine.
Philippa Gregory