There are no times in life when opportunity, the chance to be and do, gathers so richly about the soul as when it has to suffer. Then everything depends on whether the man turns to the lower or the higher helps. If he resorts to mere expedients and tricks the opportunity is lost. He comes out harder, poorer, smaller for his pain. But, if he turns to God, the hour of suffering is the turning hour of his life.
Phillips BrooksGreatness after all, in spite of its name, appears to be not so much a certain size as a certain quality in human lives. It may be present in lives whose range is very small.
Phillips BrooksThose who help a child help humanity with an immediateness which no other help given to human creature in any other stage of human life can possibly give again.
Phillips BrooksA man who lives right, and is right, has more power in his silence than another has by his words.
Phillips Brooks