All persecution is a sign of fear; for if we did not fear the power of an opinion different from our own, we should not mind others holding it.
Phyllis BottomeThat a Jew is despised or persecuted is bad for him, of course-but far worse for the Christian who does it-for although persecuted he can remain a good Jew-whereas no Christian who persecutes can possibly remain-if he ever was one-a good Christian.
Phyllis Bottome... not being liked has a certain virtue about it, if the reason for the dislike does not lie in yourself!
Phyllis Bottome... most people are dead, and none of them seem to mind it. One hears a great many complaints about life, doesn't one? And there are people I know who would certainly grumble -- however dead they were -- if there were anything to grumble at.
Phyllis Bottome