The justices have constitutionally protected obscenity in libraries, filth over cable television, and now unlimited internet pornography.
Phyllis SchlaflyWomen have babies and men provide the support. If you don't like the way we're made you've got to take it up with God.
Phyllis SchlaflySome of our most successful businessmen in US grew up in orphanages. They were well treated, and they learned discipline. They learned right or wrong, and they have wonderful careers.
Phyllis SchlaflyFeminism has nothing at all to do with being 'feminine.' Feminine means accentuating the womanly attributes that make women deliciously different from men. The feminine woman enjoys her right to be a woman. She has a positive outlook on life. She knows she is a person with her own identity and that she can seek fulfillment in the career of her choice, including that of traditional wife and mother.
Phyllis Schlafly