At a finite distance in the future, a critical state of encounter will occur, an ultimate co-reflective Center. A focused conspiration will allure individual persons to identify with others in profound affinity. Because of thinking altogether, love will grow into Divinity.
Pierre Teilhard de ChardinRemain true to yourself, but move ever upward toward greater consciousness and greater love! At the summit you will find yourselves united with all those who, from every direction, have made the same ascent. For everything that rises must converge.
Pierre Teilhard de ChardinThe age of nations has passed. Now, unless we wish to perish, we must shake off our old prejudices and build the Earth. The more scientifically I regard the world, the less can I see any possible biological future for it except in the active consciousness of its unity.
Pierre Teilhard de ChardinGod loves everyone in the world who doesn't love himself. Does God love God?
Pierre Teilhard de ChardinThe Age of Nations is past. The task before us now, if we would not perish, is to build the Earth.
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin