By the virtue of modesty the devout person governs all his exterior acts. With good reason, then, does St. Paul recommend this virtue to all and declare how necessary it is and as if this were not enough he considers that this virtue should be obvious to all.
Pio of PietrelcinaThe longer the trial to which God subjects you, the greater the goodness in comforting you during the time of trial and in the exaltation after the combat.
Pio of PietrelcinaHe who does not meditate acts as one who never looks into the mirror and so does not bother to put himself in order, since he can be dirty without knowing it. The person who meditates and turns his thoughts to God who is the mirror of the soul, seeks to know his defects and tries to correct them, moderates himself in his impulses and puts his conscience in order.
Pio of PietrelcinaPray, hope and don't worry. Anxiety doesn't help at all. Our Merciful Lord will listen to your prayer.
Pio of Pietrelcina