Faith guides even us and we follow its sure light on the way which conducts us to God and His homeland.
Pio of PietrelcinaAhead! Courage! In the spiritual life he who does not advance goes backward. It happens as with a boat which always must go ahead. If it stands still the wind will blow it back.
Pio of PietrelcinaBe comforted with this divine thought that your spiritual and physical pains are the test of the Divine Will.
Pio of PietrelcinaLet us bind ourselves tightly to the Sorrowful Heart of our Heavenly Mother and reflect on it's boundless grief and how precious is our soul.
Pio of PietrelcinaWhy should you worry whether God wants you to reach the heavenly home by way of the desert or by the fields, when by the one as well as by the other one arrives all the same at a Blessed Eternity? Keep far from you excessive preoccupation which arises from the trials which the good God wishes to visit upon you.
Pio of Pietrelcina