Are there quantitative aspects to the phenomena of war that can be counted? Evidently!
Pitirim SorokinThe most effective and most accessible way to acquire the maximum of constructive power is to love truly and wisely.
Pitirim SorokinEither the conscious intellect is impotent, or is not sufficiently strong, or is not the factor positively connected with altruistic phenomenon generally or their sublime form particularly.
Pitirim SorokinLove is the supreme value around which all moral values can be integrated into one ethical system valid for the whole of humanity.
Pitirim SorokinOnly the power of unbounded love practiced in regard to all human beings can defeat the forces of interhuman strife, and can prevent the pending extermination of man by man on this planet. Without love, no armament, no war, no diplomatic machinations, no coercive police force, no school education, no economic or political measures, not even hydrogen bombs can prevent the pending catastrophe.
Pitirim Sorokin