Images flicker, each one bringing its own sorrow or its own smile. Sometimes both. At the very worst, an impenetrable and sightless black and at best, a happiness so bright that it hurts the eyes to see, coming and going on some unseen projector perpetually turned by an invisible hand. One, then another. The hollow click of the shutter. Now stop. Freeze this frame. Pluck it down and hold it close and be damned by what you see. Henri always said: the price of a memory is the memory if the sorrow it brings.
Pittacus LoreI've learned that some memories surprise you and reveal a sharp edge just when you least expect it.
Pittacus LoreI donโt know; I still like the name Six. Maren Elizabeth was when I was a different person, and right now Six just feels right. It can be short for something if someone asks.โ Sam looks over. โFor what? Sixty?
Pittacus LoreI drop the other Chest to the ground in shock. "What number are you? I'm Four." He squints at me and then offers his hand. "I'm Nine. Good job staying alive, Number Four.
Pittacus LoreI am an alien, I have extraordinary powers, with more to come, and I can do things that no human would dream of, but I still look like a fool.
Pittacus LoreCheck this out,โ Nine says. He holds up a small purple stone and then places it on the back of his hand. The stone slides into his handโthrough it. Nine turns his hand over just as the stone pops out in his palm. โPretty cool, right?โ he asks me, waggling his eyebrows. โUh, but what is it supposed to do?โ Eight asks, looking up from his own Chest. โI dunno. Impress girls?โ Nine looks over at me. โDid it work?โ โUm . . .โ I hesitate, trying not to roll my eyes too hard. โNot really. But, Iโve seen guys teleport so Iโm kind of hard to impress.โ โTough crowd.
Pittacus Lore