There were hugs. There were words said by each of them. I don't remember what they were. Nothing haunts me more.
Pittacus LoreHave you ever had something happen to you that there was simply no explanation for? That you can't chalk up to a coincidence, or an accident, or even fate?
Pittacus LoreIn the beginning we were a group of nine. Three are gone, dead. There are six of us left. They are hunting us, and they won't stop until they've killed us all. I am Number Four. I know that I am next.
Pittacus LoreI'm so sorry, Henri," I whisper in his ear. I close my eyes. "I love you. I wouldn't have missed a second of it, either. Not for anything," I whisper. "I'm going to take you back yet. Somehow I am going to get you back to Lorien. We always joked about it but you were my father, the best father I could have ever asked for. I'll never forget you, not for a minute for as long as I live. I love you, Henri. I always did.
Pittacus Lore