All things are filled full of signs, and it is a wise man who can learn about one thing from another.
PlotinusKnowledge has three degrees--opinion, science, illumination. The means or instrument of the first is sense; of the second, dialectic; of the third, intuition.
PlotinusIf someone with the right conduct tries to attain to something that lies outside of it, is his goal not the right conduct.
PlotinusBefore we had our becoming here, we existed There, men other than now; we were pure souls. Intelligence inbound with the entire of reality, not fenced off, integral to that All. [...] Then it was as if One voice sounded. One word was uttered and from every side an ear attended and received and there was an effective hearing; now we are become a dual thing, no longer that which we were at first, dormant, and in a sense no longer present.