Preservation of the environment, promotion of sustainable development and particular attention to climate change are matters of grave concern for the entire human family.
Pope Benedict XVILove is the very process of passing over, of transformation, of stepping outside the limitations of fallen humanity - in which we are all separated from one another and ultimately impenetrable to one another - into an infinite otherness.
Pope Benedict XVIWe cannot but recognize that, in practical terms, defending human life has become more difficult today, because a mentality has been created that progressively devalues human life and entrusts it to the judgement of individuals. A consequence deriving therefrom is lessened respect for the human person, a value that lies at the foundation of any form of civil coexistence, over and above the faith a person may profess.
Pope Benedict XVIIf we allow the love of Christ to change our heart, then we can change the world. This is the secret of authentic happiness.
Pope Benedict XVIA dictatorship of relativism is being built that recognizes nothing as definite, and which leaves as the ultimate measure only one's ego and desires ... Having a clear faith, according to the credo of the church, is often labeled as fundamentalism. Yet relativism, that is, letting oneself being carried 'here and there by any wind of doctrine,' appears as the sole attitude good enough for modern times.
Pope Benedict XVI