The more administrative machinery we construct, be it the most modern, the less place there is for the Spirit, the less place there is for the Lord, and the less freedom there is. It is my opinion that we ought to begin an unsparing examination of conscience on this point at all levels in the Church.
Pope Benedict XVIUltimately, in the battle against lies and violence, truth and love have no other weapon than the witness of suffering.
Pope Benedict XVIRock... is the expression of elemental passions... In the ecstasy of having all their defenses torn down, the participants sink, as it were, beneath the elemental force of the universe.
Pope Benedict XVIThe highest things, the things that really matter, we cannot achieve on our own; we have to accept them as gifts and enter in to the dynamic of the gift, so to speak.
Pope Benedict XVIGod is always faithful to His promises, but He often surprises us in the way He fulfills them.
Pope Benedict XVI