Receiving the Eucharist means adoring Him whom we receive. Only in this way do we become one with Him, and are given, as it were, a foretaste of the beauty of the heavenly liturgy. The act of adoration outside Mass prolongs and intensifies all that takes place during the liturgical celebration itself.
Pope Benedict XVIOne doesn't begin to be a Christian because of an ethical decision or a great idea, but rather because of an encounter with an event, with a Person, who gives new horizons to life, and with that, a decisive orientation.
Pope Benedict XVIGod loves us despite our shortcomings and sins, and his love gives meaning to our lives and to the life of the world.
Pope Benedict XVIThe fundamental task of the evangelization of culture is the challenge to make God visible in the human face of Jesus.
Pope Benedict XVIWhen politicians presume to do God's work, they do not become divine but diabolical.
Pope Benedict XVIMay all our contemporaries stand beside their brothers and sisters in humanity. Each one of you is called by Christ and must be a missionary of the Good News in word and in active charity.
Pope Benedict XVIFrom the point of view of the Christian faith, man comes in the profoundest sense to himself not through what he does but through what he accepts. He must wait for the gift of love, and love can only be received as a gift... One must wait for it, let it be given to one. And one cannot become wholly man in any other way than by being loved, by letting oneself be loved... If he declines to let himself be presented with the gift, then he destroys himself.
Pope Benedict XVI