Saint Paul asks his disciple Timothy to "aim at faith" (2 Tim 2:22) with the same constancy as when he was a boy (cf. 2 Tim 3:15). This invitation is directed to each of us, that none of us grow lazy in the faith. It is the lifelong companion that makes it possible to perceive, ever anew, the marvels that God works for us.
Pope Benedict XVIWe are still awaiting Easter; we are not yet standing in the full light but walking toward it full of trust.
Pope Benedict XVIToo often [the Church] is weighted down and burdened with the sins and failings of her children; too often she appears disfigured and discouraged.
Pope Benedict XVIIt is true that the Muslim world is not totally mistaken when it reproaches the West of Christian tradition of moral decadence and the manipulation of human life. ... Islam has also had moments of great splendor and decadence in the course of its history.
Pope Benedict XVIMaking the sign of the Cross - as we will do during the Blessing - means saying a visible and public "yes" to the One who died and rose for us, to God who in the humility and weakness of his love is the Almighty, stronger than all the power and intelligence of the world.
Pope Benedict XVI