In a very real way, the poor are our teachers. They show us that peopleโs value is not measured by their possessions or how much money they have in the bank. A poor person, a person lacking material possessions, always maintains his or her dignity. The poor can teach us much about humility and trust in God.
Pope FrancisThe Holy Spirit truly transforms us. With our cooperation, he also wants to transform the world we live in.
Pope FrancisThe right to life is the first human right. Abortion is killing someone that cannot defend himself.
Pope FrancisI pray the breviary every morning. I like to pray with the psalms. Then, later, I celebrate Mass. I pray the Rosary. What I really prefer is adoration in the evening, even when I get distracted and think of other things, or even fall asleep praying. In the evening then, between seven and eight o'clock, I stay in front of the Blessed Sacrament for an hour in adoration. But I pray mentally even when I am waiting at the dentist or at other times of the day.
Pope Francis