The mysteries of the faith are not to [be] explained rashly to anyone. Usually in fact, they cannot be understood by everyone but only by those who are qualified to understand them with informed intelligence. The depth of the divine Scriptures is such that not only the illiterate and uninitiated have difficulty understanding them, but also the educated and the gifted.
Pope Innocent IIIWe believe that the Greeks have been punished through [the Crusades] by the just judgement of God: these Greeks who have striven to rend the Seamless Robe of Jesus Christ ... Those who would not join Noah in his ark perished justly in the deluge; and these have justly suffered famine and hunger who would not receive as their shepherd the blessed Peter, Prince of the Apostles.
Pope Innocent IIIEvery cleric must obey the Pope, even if he commands what is evil; for no one may judge the Pope.
Pope Innocent IIIAnyone who attempts to construe a personal view of God which conflicts with church dogma must be burned without pity.
Pope Innocent III