Those in society who are in charge of schools must never forget that the parents have been appointed by God himself as the first and principal educators of their children and that their right is completely inalienable.
Pope John Paul IIThe frenetic pace of modern life can lead to an obscuring or even a loss of what is truly human... Perhaps more than in other periods of history, our time is in need of that genius which belongs to women, and which can ensure sensitivity for human beings in every circumstance.
Pope John Paul IIThe history of mankind, the history of salvation, passes by way of the family... The family is placed at the center of the great struggle between good and evil, between life and death, between love and all that is opposed to love.
Pope John Paul IIAn important day in a young person's life is the day on which he becomes convinced that Christ is the only Friend who will not disappoint him, on which he can always count.
Pope John Paul IIThe Eucharist is the heart of the Church. Where Eucharistic life flourishes, there the life of the church will blossom.
Pope John Paul IIIt is pleasant to spend time with Him, to lie close to His breast like the Beloved Disciple and to feel the infinite love present in His can we not feel a renewed need to spend time in spiritual converse, in silent adoration, in heartfelt love before Christ present in the Most Holy Sacrament?
Pope John Paul II