There is a growing threat to the environment, to the vegetation, animals, water and air. Sacred Scripture hands us the image of Cain who rejects his responsibility: 'Am I my brother's keeper?' The Bible shows the human person as his brother's keeper and the guardian of creation which has been entrusted to him.
Pope John Paul IIBe demanding of the world around you; be demanding first of all with yourselves. Be children of God; take pride in it!
Pope John Paul IIThe modern world, a world which has experienced marvelous achievements but which seems to have lost its sense of ultimate realities and of existence itself.
Pope John Paul IILord Jesus, Who in the Eucharist make your dwelling among us and become our traveling companion, sustain our Christian communities so that they may be ever more open to listening and accepting your Word. May they draw from the Eucharist a renewed commitment to spreading in society, by the proclamation of your Gospel, the signs and deeds of an attentive and active charity
Pope John Paul IIWithout wonder, men and women would lapse into deadening routine and little by little would become incapable of a life which is genuinely personal.
Pope John Paul IIThe Rosary mystically transports us to Mary's side as she is busy watching over the human growth of Christ in the home of Nazareth. This enables her to train us and to mold us with the same care, until Christ is ''fully formed'' in us... Why should we not once more have recourse to the Rosary, with the same faith as those who have gone before us?
Pope John Paul II