The death sentence is a necessary and efficacious means for the Church to attain its end when rebels act against it and disturbers of the ecclesiastical unity, especially obstinate heretics and heresiarchs, cannot be restrained by any other penalty from continuing to derange the ecclesiastical order and impelling others to all sorts of crime ... When the perversity of one or several is calculated to bring about the ruin of many of its children it is bound effectively to remove it, in such wise that if there be no other remedy for saving its people it can and must put these wicked men to death.
Pope Leo XIIIInadequacy of his own strength, learned from experience, impels and urges a man to enlist the help of others.
Pope Leo XIIIIt is not the part of prudence to neglect that which antiquity in its long experience has approved and which is also taught by apostolic authority.
Pope Leo XIIIMoreover, Christians are born for combat, whereof the greater the vehemence, the more assured, God willing, the triumph: 'Have confidence; I have overcome the world'
Pope Leo XIII