There is no surer means of calling down God's blessing upon the family than the daily recitation of the Rosary.
Pope Pius XIITo separate tabernacle from altar is to separate two things which by their origin and nature should remain united.
Pope Pius XIIBodily pain affects man as a whole down to the deepest layers of his moral being. It forces him to face again the fundamental questions of his fate, of his attitude toward God and fellow man, of his individual and collective responsibility and of the sense of his pilgrimage on earth.
Pope Pius XIITeaching Authority of the Church does not forbid ... research and discussions ... with regard to the doctrine of evolution.
Pope Pius XIIChristian mothers, if only you knew the future of distress and peril, of shame ill-restrained, that you prepare for your sons and daughters in imprudently accustoming them to live hardly clothed and in making them lose the sense of modesty, you should be ashamed of yourselves and of the harm done the little ones whom heaven entrusted to your care, to be reared in Christian dignity and culture.
Pope Pius XII