I shall not attempt further to define the kinds of material I understand to be embraced within that shorthand description (of pornography), and perhaps I could never succeed in intelligibly doing so. But I know it when I see it, and the motion picture involved in this case is not that.
Potter StewartCensorship reflects a society's lack of confidence in itself. It is a hallmark of an authoritarian regime.
Potter StewartThe dichotomy between personal liberties and property rights is a false one. Property does not have rights. People have rights.
Potter StewartIn fact, a fundamental interdependence exists between the personal right to liberty and the personal right to property.
Potter StewartNewspapers, television networks, and magazines have sometimes been outrageously abusive, untruthful, arrogant, and hypocritical. But it hardly follows that elimination of a strong and independent press is the way to eliminate abusiveness . . .
Potter StewartThe First Amendment guarantees liberty of human expression in order to preserve in our Nation what Mr. Justice Holmes called a "free trade in ideas." To that end, the Constitution protects more than just a man's freedom to say or write or publish what he wants. It secures as well the liberty of each man to decide for himself what he will read and to what he will listen. The Constitution guarantees, in short, a society of free choice.
Potter Stewart