The power generated of ten minds for good is superior to that of ten thousand minds acting on a lower motive. But it is a silent power. It moves in mysterious ways. It is noiseless. It makes no show of open opposition. It uses no methods of effort through tongue or arm or physical force.
Prentice MulfordIn the spiritual life every person is his or her own discoverer, and you need not grieve if your discoveries are not believed in by others. It is your business to push on find more and increase individual happiness
Prentice MulfordParents sometimes forget that after the child emerges from the utter physical and mental helplessness of infancy, it is becoming more and more an individual.
Prentice MulfordThere is a sense in the tree which feels your love and responds to it. It does not respond or show its pleasure in our way or in any way we can now understand.
Prentice MulfordUndoubtedly to some, the idea of giving so much love to self will seem very cold, hard and unmerciful. Still this matter may be seen in a different light, when we find that 'looking out for number one,' as directed by the infinite, is really looking out for number two and is indeed the only way to permanently benefit number two.
Prentice Mulford