I think we go wrong when we insist, as some have done since 1945, on using experts who are paid Western salaries, drive beautiful cars and live in air-conditioned houses to teach people in the Third World how to improve their living conditions.
Prince Sadruddin Aga KhanIt is now widely and rightly accepted that we live in a world which is more interdependent than ever before, and that problems are increasingly global in character. At the risk of stating the obvious, I would say that when governments realize that certain problems are beyond their powers, it is clear that the United Nations has an irreplaceable role to play.
Prince Sadruddin Aga KhanLet us show great humility towards the peoples we wish to help, for we have very little to teach them.
Prince Sadruddin Aga KhanThe world is changing considerably and the United Nations must change too. It must become an instrument which responds to the needs of the international community of the year 2000, which will be quite different from that of 1945.
Prince Sadruddin Aga KhanIn the corridors of diplomacy people gradually tend to lose their capacity to distinguish between what is important and what isn't.
Prince Sadruddin Aga KhanWho knows better than a peasant farmer the agricultural conditions in his country or region? It is not always necessary to send an FAO expert to tell him what crops to grow or what seeds to use. Give him the seeds he asks for, and he will do the rest. Don't tell him how to renovate his irrigation system: give him the necessary equipment and he will do the job far better than us.
Prince Sadruddin Aga Khan