He who fears his servants is less than a servant.
Equanimity is calamity's medicine.
There is no fortune so good that you can find nothing in it to complain of.
Never promise more than you can perform.
He blames Neptune unjustly who twice suffers shipwreck.
Unless degree is preserved, the first place is safe for no one.
It is an unhappy lot which finds no enemies.
Avarice is as destitute of what it has, as poverty of what it has not.
Nothing can be done quickly and prudently at the same time.
It is foolish to fear what you cannot avoid.
Speech is a mirror of the soul: as a man speaks, so is he.
Vices that are familiar we pardon, and only new ones reprehend.
He is truly wise who gains wisdom from another's mishap.
We tolerate without rebuke the vices with which we have grown familiar.
The person who receives the most favors is the one who knows how to return them.
No one reaches a high position without daring.
One ungrateful man injures all who need assistance.
I have often regretted having spoken, never having kept silent.
An intemperate patient makes a harsh doctor.
Courage comes by being brave; fear comes by holding back.
Grief diminishes when it has nothing to grow upon.
Pain will force even the truthful to speak falsely.
Whom Fortune wishes to destroy she first makes mad.
Confession of our faults is the next thing to innocence.
Poverty wants much; but avarice, everything.
Agreement is made more precious by disagreement.
His own character is the arbiter of every ones fortune.
He who sounds his own trumpet will soon find plenty to laugh at him.
One man's wickedness may easily become all men's curse.
The wretched reflect either too much or too little.
A sly piece of good luck, which nobody knows of is delightful.
A god could hardly love and be wise.
You must endure what is painful to secure that which is profitable.
In excess altercation, truth is lost.
The gladiator lays his plans after he enters the arena.
He who is bent on doing evil can never want occasion.
That should be regarded as a loss, which is won at the expense of our reputation.
Wine has drowned more than the sea.
The friendship that can come to an end, never really began.
Never find your delight in another's misfortune.
A woman either loves or hates; she knows no medium.
He who injures one man threatens many.
Conversation is the image of the mind. As the man is, so is his talk.
It's a bad plan that can't be changed.
Better to be ignorant of a matter than half know it.
Take care not to begin anything of which you may repent.
What valor cannot win, flattery may.
A hasty judgment is a first step to recantation.