The year that Rutherford died (1938 [sic]) there disappeared forever the happy days of free scientific work which gave us such delight in our youth. Science has lost her freedom. Science has become a productive force. She has become rich but she has become enslaved and part of her is veiled in secrecy. I do not know whether Rutherford would continue to joke and laugh as he used to.
Pyotr KapitsaThe crocodile cannot turn its head. Like all science, it must always go forward with all-devouring jaws.
Pyotr KapitsaTo talk of atomic energy in terms of atomic bombs is like talking of electricity in terms of the electric chair.
Pyotr KapitsaThe year that Rutherford died (1938 [sic]) there disappeared forever the happy days of free scientific work which gave us such delight in our youth. Science has lost her freedom. Science has become a productive force. She has become rich but she has become enslaved and part of her is veiled in secrecy. I do not know whether Rutherford would continue to joke and laugh as he used to.
Pyotr Kapitsa