We godless lack that certainty, and we know the world is a complex place that requires compromise and is not ruled by a moral force - virtue is subject to negotiation, and is found in working together with others to find mutually satisfactory solutions. Good is not absolute, it is an emergent property that arises from successful networks of individuals. It is also something that is measured by evidence: we look at the good that people do, not the promises that they make and never keep, or the lies that dovetail nicely into dogma. Competence is a virtue. Intent is meaningless without action.
PZ MyersWe are not princes of the earth, we are the descendants of worms, and any nobility must be earned.
PZ MyersIt's amazing how much detail Catholics will go into documenting why people shouldn't do the things that they all do anyway.
PZ MyersRational people have better things to do than grant unwarranted credibility to every half-assed delusion.
PZ MyersPlantinga has written a short, 5 page summary of his views on evolution and naturalism, and itโs lucid (for Plantinga) and goes straight to his main points. The workings of the man's mind sit there naked and exposed, and all the stripped gears and misaligned cogs and broken engines of his misperception are there for easy examination. Read it, and you'll wonder how a man so confused could have acquired such a high reputation; you might even think that philosophy has been Sokaled.
PZ Myers