For a very long time now I've been saying to young women, 'You can have it all, but not all at the same time.' How important it is to take very good care of yourself, of your mental and physical and spiritual wellbeing; it's hard to do. It's easier to be a workaholic than to have a truly balanced life.
Quentin BryceAgain and again, I learn how much friendship enriches my life, bringing warmth, assurance, humour, inspiration, a sense of security. It depends on honesty, trust, loyalty. It's about giving. It's for sharing the good times, but also the tough times, hurt, grief, sadness.
Quentin BryceFor a very long time now I've been saying to young women, 'You can have it all, but not all at the same time.' How important it is to take very good care of yourself, of your mental and physical and spiritual wellbeing; it's hard to do. It's easier to be a workaholic than to have a truly balanced life.
Quentin BryceThe thing we often forget to talk about, or perhaps we take for granted, is our countryโs dazzling beauty. Our natural environment is so much a part of Australiaโs art, writing, music and culture, both indigenous and non indigenous.
Quentin BryceBegun as a girl from a little country town in central western Queensland, inspired by noble ideas of justice, about fairness, about making the world a better place.
Quentin Bryce