U.S. labor leaders will realize that automation can multiply man's wealth far more rapidly than it is multiplying at present and that automation will leave all men free to search and research... Realizing the direct competition with foreign industry on a straight labor basis will mean swiftly decreasing wages per hour and longer hours and decreasing buying power of the public.
R. Buckminster FullerWe will always have war until there is enough of every essential to support all lives everywhere around earth.
R. Buckminster FullerAll children are born geniuses, and we spend the first six years of their lives degeniusing them.
R. Buckminster FullerTechnologically we now have four [seven!] billion billionaires on board Spaceship Earth who are entirely unaware of their good fortune.
R. Buckminster FullerHowever, if we leave the industrial machinery and their energy-distribution networks and leave them also all the people who have routine jobs operating the industrial machinery and distributing its products, and we take away from all the industrial countries all their ideologies and all the politicians and political machine workers, people would keep right on eating. Possibly getting on a little better than before.
R. Buckminster FullerWe must do away with the absolutely specious notion that everybody has to earn a living.
R. Buckminster FullerTruth is cosmically total: synergetic. Verities are generalized principles stated in semimetaphorical terms. Verities are differentiable. But love is omniembracing, omnicoherent, and omni-inclusive, with no exceptions. Love, like synergetics, is nondifferentiable, i.e., is integral.
R. Buckminster Fuller