You can rest assured that if you devote your time and attention to the highest advantage of others, the Universe will support you, always and only in the nick of time.
R. Buckminster FullerGod is the great comprehensive a priori integrity of Universe within which human beings find themselves to be operating.
R. Buckminster FullerHuman beings are the only creatures on the planet that tell time and think they have to earn a living.
R. Buckminster FullerEvery time man makes a new experiment he always learns more. He cannot learn less. He may learn that what he thought was true was not true. By the elimination of a false premise, his basic capital wealth which in his given lifetime is disembarrassed of further preoccupation with considerations of how to employ a worthless time-consuming hypothesis. Freeing his time for its more effective exploratory investment is to give man increased wealth.
R. Buckminster Fuller