There are no solids. There are no things. There are only interfering and non-interfering patterns operative in pure principle, and principles are eternal.
R. Buckminster FullerCoping with the totality of Spaceship Earth and universe is ahead for all of us.
R. Buckminster FullerInitiative can neither be created nor delegated. It can only spring from the self-determining individual, who decides that the wisdom of others is not always better than his own.
R. Buckminster FullerChildren, as well as grown-ups, in their individual, glorified, drudgery-proof homes of Labrador, the tropics, the Orient, or where you will, to which they can pass with pleasure and expedition by means of ever-improving transportation, will be able to tune in their television and radio to the moving picture lecture of, let us say, President Lowell of Harvard; the professor of Mathematics of Oxford; of the doctor of Indian antiquities of Delhi, etc.
R. Buckminster Fuller