When you feel depressed, it helps to actively change your environment. Go and do something different. Martin Luther conquered his depression by going outside to work in his garden. Surprisingly enough, one of the best ways to handle depression is to go to work immediately on the task you least enjoy. (The chances are your depression is caused by guilt feelings arising out of neglect of those tasks.)
R. C. SproulThe grounds of your justification are the perfect works of Jesus Christ. We're saved by works, but they're not our own.
R. C. SproulThe atonement is a multifaceted event-Jesus is shown providing surety for our debt to God, mediating the enmity between us and God, and offering Himself as a substitute to suffer God's judgment in our place.
R. C. SproulIn salvation we are not only saved from sin and damnation; we are saved unto holiness. The goal of redemption is holiness.
R. C. Sproul