I cannot have God in my heart if he is not in my head. Before I can believe in, I must believe that.
R. C. SproulThere is not one piece of cosmic dust that is outside the scope of God's sovereign providence.
R. C. SproulThe question is not, "Why is there only one way to God?" but "Why is there even one way?"
R. C. SproulTo know that God knows everything about me and yet loves me is indeed my ultimate consolation.
R. C. SproulThe clearest sensation that a human being has when he experiences the holy is an overpowering and overwhelming sense of creatureliness. That is, when we are in the presence of God, we are humbled and become most aware of ourselves as creatures. This is the opposite of Satan's original temptation, "You shall be as gods.
R. C. Sproul