In the decade of the 1980s, a massive and comprehensive study of religion in American life was undertaken by the Gallup organization. The results of the study were as terrifying as they were revealing. Americans, even evangelical Americans, are woefully ignorant of the content of Scripture and even more ignorant of the history of Christianity and classical Christian theology.
R. C. SproulWe live in a time of crisis in the secular culture and in the church with regard to the beautiful.
R. C. SproulThe more faithful preachers are to the Word of God in their preaching, the more liable they are to the charge of hypocrisy. Why? Because the more faithful people are to the Word of God the higher the message is that they will preach. The higher the message, the further they will be from obeying themselves.
R. C. SproulWhat better evidence could there be of a man's salvation than that he offers to others the grace he himself has received?
R. C. Sproul