The kingdom of God is like a mustard seed, beginning as the smallest of seeds but growing until the birds of the air make their nests therein. There are old worlds and new ones. There are earthy worlds and cyber worlds. But one truth remains the same now and forever, that Jesus rules them all.
R. C. Sproul, Jr.Our treasure is what we fear losing, and I fear that we fear losing our treasure. We are lovers of money.
R. C. Sproul, Jr.No matter what obeisance the state may demand, we who serve the King are free indeed.
R. C. Sproul, Jr.I hope that we will learn from each other, but most of all that we would learn from God's Word, which equips us for every good work, including our calling to suffer for the glory of God and for the building of His kingdom.
R. C. Sproul, Jr.