He smiles then, and even though it is well past midnight, its as if the sun has just come out.
R.L. LaFeversTruly, we are the gods' own children, forged in the fire of our tortured pasts, but also blessed with unimaginable gifts.
R.L. LaFeversWhenever you are ready, or if you never are, my heart is yours, until Death do us part. Whatever that may mean when consorting with one of Deathโs handmaidens.
R.L. LaFeversGod's Teeth,' he says. 'I was only trying to wake you. You were crying out in your sleep.' 'I was not,' I say, then look from his neck to my knife. 'When I tried to wake you, you stabbed me.' He sounds sore put out. and I cannot blame him.
R.L. LaFeversNot all men are the same, you know. With someone such as Gavriel, I would suggest appearing aloof, not chasing too much. He might see that as suffocating rather than charming." Her words are sharp, but her voice is sweet, like honey on the edge of a blade, and meant to be cutting. I comfort myself with the knowledge that if Duval ever feels smothered by me, it will be because I am holding a pillow over his face and commending his soul to Mortain.
R.L. LaFevers