--I lifted one foot from the brackish water, and the bunny slippers were soaked and drooped pathetically. Even the fangs seemed robbed of any charm. "Don't worry," I told it. "Someone will pay for your suffering. Heavily. With screaming." I felt I should repeat it for the other slipper, in case there should be any bad feelings between the two. One should never create tension between ones's footwear. --POV is Myrnin, page 221
Rachel Cainemicheal sighed and closed his eyes for a moment'i'm not sure that was a good idea claire:it will be if you go see her tonight and tell her well watever oh but watch out shes gone all buffy with the stakes and things
Rachel CaineMarriage is a big word for all guys,โ Shane said. โYou know that. Itโs kind of an allergy. We get itchy and sweaty just trying to spell it, much less do it.
Rachel Caine