In theater, it's just you and the audience. It's less of a popularity contest. It's just you and the audience, and they're laughing or they're not laughing, that's the only gauge you really have. But with TV and movies and everything, it's like "Well, did you get a meeting at so-and-so?" and "So-and-so's really hot right now," which is all the stuff I'm probably still not used to.
Rachel DratchI didn't originally intend on writing a book. I started writing during the day to feel like I was accomplishing something creative.
Rachel DratchI didn't consider myself a huge baby person. I`m not like, "Oh my god! I want to hold every baby!" And some women just have that engraved in their minds.
Rachel DratchI was sort of the class-clown type, and I was also in school plays, and I always liked comedy.
Rachel DratchIn theater, it's just you and the audience. It's less of a popularity contest. It's just you and the audience, and they're laughing or they're not laughing, that's the only gauge you really have. But with TV and movies and everything, it's like "Well, did you get a meeting at so-and-so?" and "So-and-so's really hot right now," which is all the stuff I'm probably still not used to.
Rachel Dratch