Perhaps the most radical thing we followers of Jesus can do in the information age is treat each other like humans-not heroes, not villains, not avatars, not statuses, not Republicans, not Democrats, not Calvinists, not Emergents-just humans. This wouldn't mean we would stop disagreeing, but I think it would mean we would disagree well.
Rachel Held EvansWe all long for someone to tell us who we are. The great struggle of the Christian life is to take God's name for us, to believe we are beloved and to believe that is enough.
Rachel Held EvansChurch is a moment in time when the kingdom of God draws near, when a meal, a story, a song, an apology, and even a failure id made holy by the presence of Jesus among us and within us.
Rachel Held EvansThis is what God's kingdom is like: a bunch of outcasts and oddballs gathered at a table, not because they are rich or worthy or good, but because they are hungry, because they said yes. And there's always room for more.
Rachel Held EvansWe need to stop building our churches around categories and start building them around people.
Rachel Held EvansI think maybe God was trying to tell me that gentleness begins with strength, quietness with security. A great tree is both moved and unmoved, for it changes with the seasons, but its roots keep it anchored in the ground. Mastering a gentle and quiet spirit didnโt mean changing my personality, just regaining control of it, growing strong enough to hold back and secure enough to soften.
Rachel Held EvansThe Proverbs 31 woman is a star not because of what she does but how she does itโwith valor. So do your thing. If itโs refurbishing old furnitureโdo it with valor. If itโs keeping up with your two-year-oldโdo it with valor. If itโs fighting against human trafficking . . . leading a company . . . or getting other people to do your work for youโdo it with valor. Take risks. Work hard. Make mistakes. Get up the next morning. And surround yourself with people who will cheer you on.
Rachel Held Evans