I love books where you can't get out of bed. You want to consume them in one sitting, devour them. Those are my favorites, where you've almost abandoned your life for them. That doesn't happen every time, but those are the best.
Rachel McAdams[On Doctor Strange] just from costumes to everything was just so well done, so beautifully thought through and well-crafted. And so - , and they didn't even make me pretend that much with green screen.
Rachel McAdamsI loved being a part of [Dr. Strange] it so of course you know I would be more than happy to go forward with it. But you know, who knows.
Rachel McAdamsDon't you guys, like when you're driving at night and you're like, and you can kind of see through the window and you think, oh that looks so cozy in there. I wish I could like get a free pass. Yeah, so that's probably the one I'd pick. I'd be a total creeper but.
Rachel McAdamsI spoke to a blogger. It was election time when we were doing the movie and Hillary Clinton was still in the running. This blogger was doing a story on democratic women who were anti-Hillary. He was on the computer speaking to these women and it made me realize that you can reach a much broader audience online but on the other hand Russell's [Crowe] character argues that you still need to get on the streets and see people face to face, and check your facts.
Rachel McAdams