Don't you guys, like when you're driving at night and you're like, and you can kind of see through the window and you think, oh that looks so cozy in there. I wish I could like get a free pass. Yeah, so that's probably the one I'd pick. I'd be a total creeper but.
Rachel McAdamsI spoke to a blogger. It was election time when we were doing the movie and Hillary Clinton was still in the running. This blogger was doing a story on democratic women who were anti-Hillary. He was on the computer speaking to these women and it made me realize that you can reach a much broader audience online but on the other hand Russell's [Crowe] character argues that you still need to get on the streets and see people face to face, and check your facts.
Rachel McAdamsI think I kind of grew up with that a little bit and have great admiration for people who do [medical practice] for a living and who are real empaths. So I suppose I drew on - , from my mom a bit.
Rachel McAdams