If you can, start your own business while you're working another job so that your bills get paid. Choose something that you love, so that when you're exhausted when you come home from work, you're actually looking forward to your 3 hours every night that you can apply to your business, either after your kids go to sleep or while they're watching TV or while they're doing their homework, however you can budget your time. Instead of a chore, choose something you love so you absolutely look forward to it.
Rachel RoyChoosing a job or business is the same thing. I'm not the best one to advise someone how to make billions of dollars; I don't know how to do that. But what I do know is how to create something that you love, and once you do that, you will have success. You just will because you'll love working on it, and anything truly authentic, the universe blesses.
Rachel RoyWhen I met with Deepak Chopra, instead of asking him for something, I offered something. You can always think of things that are not really any costs to you that still have a huge benefit.
Rachel RoyIt's important to look people in the eye and have direct conversations. I actually have a rule that if an issue takes more than five sentences to explain it, don't send an email. Pick up the phone instead, because it'll take less time to resolve it.
Rachel Roy