But all I said, as I dug a five from my pocket to pay for my soda, was, "You have a friend?" Tod scowled. "Well, I wouldn't call him a friend according to the traditional definition, but in the sense that he imposes on me constantly and isn't afraid to point out my flaws, I'd say he qualifies." "Sounds more like a cousin.
Rachel VincentI have choices," I insisted, refusing to break eye contact. "We both do. I may have to make mine carefully, and make a few compromises along the way, but I have a choice. I choose you.
Rachel VincentBecause you don't belong with him! I tried to tell you that, but you wouldn't listen, and I thought if you understood that he'd be better off without you, you'd break up with him for his own good. So I...exaggerated how easy it'd be for him to get over you, with Sabine there to step in. But I underestimated how incredibly stubborn you are" "I prefer to think of it as dedication..." I mumbled.
Rachel VincentI want you, Kaylee, like Iโve never wanted anything. Ever. I want the fire. I want the heat, and the light, and I want the burn.
Rachel VincentIt would be so much easier if there were a secret password, or handshake. Netherworld, open sesame! Yeah, that didn't work, either.
Rachel Vincent