To the degree we try to create peace around us, we will find peace within ourselves. And to the degree we find peace within ourselves, we will actually have the power to create peace around us.
Radhanath SwamiFierce Determination and Gentle Humility are the ornaments which make one attractive in the eyes of the Lord.
Radhanath SwamiIn 1958, my father invested everything he had in a business venture and became the largest automobile dealership in Chicago for Ford's new Edsel line. But Edsel sales plummeted and my father fell into bankruptcy. I watched him struggle; working long hours to protect us from poverty.
Radhanath SwamiKali yuga is so much saturated with vicious habits that there is a great fight at the slightest of misunderstanding.
Radhanath SwamiIn my path, three things are really important. One is associating with people who inspire us with their positive influence. The company we keep is very important. Number two is our spiritual practice. Putting aside sacred time every day to make that journey within, to tune into the frequency of our true nature and the love and the grace that is within us. Number three is to try living with ethical, moral and spiritual values, which culminates in unselfish service.
Radhanath Swami