Interior of the hand. Sole that has come to walk only on feelings. That faces upward and in its mirror receives heavenly roads, which travel along themselves. That has learned to walk upon water when it scoops, that walks upon wells, transfiguring every path. That steps into other hands, changes those that are like it into a landscape: wanders and arrives within them, fills them with arrival.
Rainer Maria RilkeAs if no one had ever tried before, try to say what you see and feel and love and lose.
Rainer Maria RilkeIf, when you wake up in the morning, you can think of nothing but writing . . . then you are a writer.
Rainer Maria RilkeI love the dark hours of my being. My mind deepens into them. There I can find, as in old letters, the days of my life, already lived, and held like a legend, and understood.
Rainer Maria Rilke