I use two million Twitter followers as a tool. The reason I have Twitter is so people can get to know me as a different person other than Dwight. I just realized all of the sudden like everything thinks I'm Dwight. They think that I'm Dwight from the office and that I'm this kind of annoying, difficult, nerdy, creepy guy and they don't know Rainn Wilson - although I'm a little bit nerdy, annoying and creepy. I'm not as much as Dwight Schrute.
Rainn WilsonAnd I do believe that the way to change a society, to uplift people - not just their spirit, but to uplift their society and economic base - is through education.
Rainn WilsonAnd I want to find a way to be of service to humanity. I think that's crucial. So want to be an artist and a servant, a humanitarian, and I want to play goofy weirdoes.
Rainn WilsonI think that actors are terrible communicators as people by and large. I think our tendency is to kind of be self-centered and tune people out and just kind of get really me-focused, so I think communication for actors is a big challenge actually.
Rainn Wilson