Our culture's tolerance wears thin when religion intrudes on the public discourse... Our schools, courtrooms, and libraries set the tone for the entire society. The message they currently communicate is harsh and unambiguous: religion is offensive and should be kept out of public view.
Ralph E. Reed, Jr.An Associated Press report by Chicago-based reporter Sharon Cohen in May 1993 examined Christian fundamentalists and concluded that they were prone to 'riots, terrorism - and death.'
Ralph E. Reed, Jr.The time has now come to amend the Constitution to restore freedom of speech for America's people of faith.
Ralph E. Reed, Jr.What our children need more than to learn to read and write and add and subtract is to know Jesus Christ.
Ralph E. Reed, Jr.The Republican party is not a church. It does not promulgate doctrine and then exclude those who fail to share it. But political parties must stand for something, or they will be unable to generate enthusiastic support from the volunteers needed to burn shoe leather and calories winning competitive elections.
Ralph E. Reed, Jr.