It's pretty much what a lot of committed Catholics are making of [Pope Francis]. They're thrilled, they're refreshed, they think it's a breath of fresh air.
Ralph MartinWhenever people open their hearts to God in some way, the Lord wants to do something good. Even if it just got scheduled randomly for that day, I'm sure [Pope Francis] sees significance in that.
Ralph MartinCharismatics have seen pictures of Pope Francis when he was Archbishop of Buenos Aires praying and asking Protestant pastors to pray for him. His friendship towards the charismatic renewal is there.
Ralph MartinWhat does he [Pope Francis] mean, "Who am I to judge?" People think he's fantastic, but they also wonder how some of these pieces fit.
Ralph MartinThe hope is that papal calls for a New Pentecost, which go back to St. John XXIII, and papal calls for a New Evangelization, which go back to Vatican II and especially to St. John Paul II, can come together. Pope Francis' vision is to bring together the reality of a New Pentecost with the urgency of a New Evangelization.
Ralph Martin